cardboard and plastic bags

Workshop on C&I packaging

17 October 2024

Workshop on best practices for EPR Schemes for Commercial and Industrial Packaging


In the aftermath of an insightful seminar held earlier this year on EPR schemes for commercial and industrial (C&I) packaging, it has become evident that EPR organizations and industry leaders are seeking best practice guidelines for implementing EPR schemes specifically tailored to C&I packaging.

To address this need, we are convening a groundbreaking workshop that will bring together experts from established EPR schemes focused on C&I packaging, multinational corporations, and esteemed European federations. This interactive workshop aims to foster an exchange of ideas and pave the way for the collective definition of a good working EPR scheme.

The primary objective of this workshop is to establish agreed-upon guidelines for developing comprehensive EPR schemes customized for C&I packaging. These guidelines will then be disseminated throughout the industry, serving as a beacon for best practices.

Through active participation and constructive dialogue, we aspire to shape a sustainable future for commercial and industrial packaging by developing and implementing best practices in EPR.

We look forward to your invaluable contributions and the collective wisdom that will emerge from this extraordinary gathering of minds.


We look forward to welcoming participants at 9am.

The morning session will be devoted to defining the essential criteria to be taken into account in the management of EPR schemes for C&I packaging.
Participants will be asked to give their input on the following topics:
– Operational model
– Financing the system
– Proof of recycling
– Data collection
– Governance

During the afternoon session, a summary of the main principles challenged in the morning will be presented to the group. Each participant will then have the opportunity to actively contribute to the drafting of the various rules.

The activities will be coordinated by Jean-Paul Judson.

Supporting Partners (1)

To make the workshop as interactive as possible, we would ask you to limit participation to one person per organisation.

📅 Practical information

17 October 2024

The Hotel
Boulevard de Waterloo 38
B-1000 Brussels