cardboard and plastic bags

Workshop on C&I packaging

17 October 2024

Workshop on the implementation of EPR Schemes for Commercial and Industrial Packaging


In the wake of the insightful seminar organized earlier this year, it has become evident that EPR organizations and industry leaders are poised to catalyze change and drive progress.

Valipac is honored to invite representatives from established EPR schemes addressing Commercial & Industrial (C&I) packaging, multinational corporations, and esteemed European federations to a groundbreaking workshop. This interactive platform will facilitate an exchange of ideas and pave the way for the collective definition of a good working scheme.

The primary objective of this workshop is to foster collaboration and arrive at decisive measures and agreed-upon guidelines for developing comprehensive EPR schemes tailored to C&I packaging. Those best practices will subsequently be disseminated throughout the industry, serving as a beacon for best practices.

Through engaged participation and constructive discourse, we aim to solidify a leading position in this crucial domain, shaping a sustainable future for commercial and industrial packaging.

We look forward to your invaluable contributions and the collective wisdom that will emerge from this extraordinary gathering of minds.


More info soon on this website.

Practical information

17 October 2024

The Hotel
Boulevard de Waterloo 38
Brussels Belgium